Channelising Stress For Better Health
The best way to handle stress is different for each person.
Look for your body’s warning signs, such as having a headache, grinding your teeth, clenching your jaw or feeling frustrated. And know your stress triggers, such as hunger, tiredness, arguments with your family or friends, certain times of day with your children, or deadlines.
Then, work on de-stressing. The good news is that plenty of simple (and free) stress-busting techniques are available:
Establish regular times for when you eat, sleep, read, exercise, grocery shop and so on. And try to set up a routine for your household, so everyone knows what is happening and when.
Look after your health, with healthy food, regular exercise and calm times in your day. And avoid using alcohol and other drugs to get through your day.
Be aware of thoughts that don’t help. Saying to yourself that you can’t cope, or don’t have enough time, or feel exhausted, for example, doesn’t help. Instead, try talking yourself through a tough situation: ‘I’m doing pretty well despite my fear’, ‘I can keep calm’, ‘Everything will be okay’.
Face whatever worries or scares you. If you don’t like job interviews, for example, try a practice interview with a friend. Or, if you know you’re having trouble paying your mortgage, speak with your bank manager. Sometimes, worrying about a problem is worse than the actual problem.
Think about breaking a big problem into smaller ones. Look at different ways of tackling each problem, the possible consequences and your best options. In other words, work on your problem solving, and don’t wait for a sudden miraculous answer.
Write a to-do list. If a task or problem is on paper, then it doesn’t have to be in your head.
Hang out with people who care about you. Other people can remind you of your own strengths, and listen when you need to ‘download’ your worries.
Be mindful of how you’re feeling, where you are, and who you’re with. Try to clear your head of thoughts about the past or future, and focus on being in the present.
Practise relaxing. You can try formal relaxation techniques such as yoga or meditation, or just sit quietly in the park and let your body and mind settle.
Take time out every day to do something you enjoy (like reading a book, doing a puzzle or listening to music).
Just looking after yourself can also be a great way to tackle stress. A healthy body is a great first step to thinking clearly and feeling better:
Avoid drugs and alcohol.
Eat well and regularly.
Sleep enough to top up your energy.
Plan to exercise, and stick to the plan.
Breathe steadily.
*Make stress management fun*
Sometimes, the same old approaches don’t seem enough, or don’t inspire you to start dealing with your stress. Why not try some of these stress busters, for a fresh perspective?
Sweat out your stress with a high intensity workout. Or do the opposite: completely wind down in a tai chi class.
Spend time with someone who makes you laugh or has plenty of good stories that distract you.
Meditate, and learn to look at yourself with honesty and compassion rather than judgement and criticism.
Just stop. In other words, sit or lie on your own, and just breathe.
Grab some pencils and a colouring book. While you’re colouring in, you are slowing your thoughts and using your creativity.
Dance around the house to your favourite music. Or listen to music while you work.
Head outside for fresh air and a close encounter with the natural environment. Look up at the sky, watch for butterflies and lizards, and pick some flowers.
Visualise yourself somewhere that is idyllic to you, or with someone you love. Think about the sounds, smells and tastes of your perfect place.
Buy a plant. Simply being around plants is good for your relaxation.
Wiggle about. Starting with your feet and moving up to your face, try tightening and relaxing your muscles.
Tune out, or plug in. Turning off your screens and devices can help you switch off your thinking. On the flip side, watching a funny movie or talking to someone on Facetime can help you feel better too.
Eat a banana or a potato. These foods have potassium, which can improve your body’s energy and recovery.
Find a repetitive activity, such as knitting, wood carving or making jewellery. The simple act of repeating a skill with your hands can relieve stress.
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